Glasgowbury’s Rural Key tutoring classes have begun in Draperstown.
Both graded and ungraded tutoring are available to everyone aged 8+ and places are limited.
Tutoring in drums takes place on a Monday evening while guitar tutoring takes place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
We have a small number of places remaining for the on-going classes. In order to book a place or for more information, call Glasgowbury on 028 796 28428 or drop into the office in Draperstown.
Glasgowbury’s Rural Key Music Project is an award winning initiative, selected by the Carnegie Trust as NI’s Rural Spark for its aim to provide music access to all within local communities.
Past participants of the course have progressed to work within the music industry in areas such as production, performance and event organisation.
For more information on Rural Key tutoring services, please contact Glasgowbury on 028 796 28428.
small but MASSIVE!